Above: A slightly more colourful Genesis games poster. Below: Sega entices gamers with the promise of free speakers!
Above: The rarely-seen Simulator II Action Chair... Below: Sega's hardware lineup circa October 1991!
"Most exciting games' Cross Fire is No. 1!!"
Kyugo 4 megabitsAnother vertically scrolling shooter for Genesis, CrossFire was at least somewhat unique because it featured a helicopter instead of a space ship...
Back in the days when EA made non-sports titles...
The Immortal
Electronic Arts 4 megabitsFrom what I can gather, The Immortal was a hack-and-slash adventure game played from an angled perspective. It was also released for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System and, as you would expect, the Genesis version featured far superior visuals.
"The animation is smooth and realistic enough to look rotoscoped (wherein actions are filmed with live actors, then drawn over by the animators to keep the movements lifelike)." - Josh Mandel, VG&CE January 1992
Featuring the somewhat Altered Beast-ish theme of metamorphosis.
Saint Sword
Taito 4 megabitsSaint Sword was apparently a side-scrolling action platform game wherein the main character could transform into several different fiendish creatures at will. It wasn't all that well received by the gaming press, and unfortunately I've never played it so I can't comment upon whether or not that reception was justified...
"The different forms that you change into are interesting but the game lacks any real excitement." - Dave, Mega Play September/October 1991
"Lock-on and gun this behemoth into the ground!"
Task Force Harrier EX
Treco 8 megabitsA scrolling shooter featuring a harrier jet. I guess that would make this game more "realistic" than other Genesis shooters, but I haven't played it so I can neither confirm nor deny that hypothesis.
"These games made it to the top of the charts in the arcades." Some more recently than others...
Ms. Pac-Man
Tengen 4 megabitsPretty much everyone on the face of the earth (and their pet weasel, Fred) are familiar with this game, so I won't bore the reader with a description of Ms. Pac-Man's gameplay. The Genesis version, however, is supposed to have been one of the first home translations of the arcade game that actually got the graphics and sounds right (with the one exception being that the Genesis version had to scroll the maze a bit in order to keep its proportions the same as the arcade's).
"What can one say about Ms. Pac-Man that hasn't already been said - maybe five or six years ago? Only that ever since its coin-op release, home video-game manufacturers have been trying, with varying degrees of success, to bring it to the home screen. The latest attempts have been very successful, and now Tengen's Genesis version tops them all." - Brent Walker, VG&CE October 1991
3D Pac-Man. Just what everyone was looking for in 1991.
Tengen 4 megabitsPacmania attempted to resurrect the early-eighties popularity of the Pac-Man games by bringing the series into "3D". Being the early nineties, of course, "3D" meant an isometric perspective, not a polygonal display. Regardless of their effort in bringing the arcade game home, however, Tengen didn't exactly set the Genesis gaming world on fire with the release of Pacmania. Still, older gamers probably appreciated the gesture.
"With Pac-Mania, ageing video-game geezers in their twenties now have another nostalgia trip to add to the growing list of updated classic game titles." - Howard H. Wen, VG&CE November 1991
Who needs WipeOut when you can play RoadBlasters?!
Sega 4 megabitsFrom the available screenshots, RoadBlasters looks a bit like Outrun with weapons. The Genesis game is an arcade conversion, and it actually got pretty good reviews upon its release. Not really my cup of tea, though, so I never bought this one...
"Road Blasters has finally appeared on several formats and although I don't like to make direct comparisons, this is clearly the best executed and most fun of all the versions." - Steve Harris, EGM December 1991
A rather worrying lack of screenshots in this ad...
Gain Ground
Renovation 4 megabitsAn overhead view action game, Gain Ground has remained sufficiently popular over the years to warrant a re-release by Sega as part of their PlayStation 2 "3D Ages" series.
"Gain Ground didn't appeal to me. I found the endless combat sequences tedious after a while (particularly in easy and normal modes)." - Joshua Mandel, VG&CE June 1991
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