Renovation demonstrates once again that they have no shame.
A contemporary video game store advertisement. Note that these are the same people who went on to create DieHard GameFan Magazine...
Stylish, but it doesn't tell you much about the game...
Sunsoft 4 megabitsSunsoft's action/platform title based on the 1989 Batman movie was billed for months by the gaming mags as one of the hottest import Mega Drive games you could get your hands on. By the time it arrived in North America, however, the harsh light of reality appeared to set in and the gaming media instead labeled the domestic version of Batman a solid but not fantastic Genesis title.
"There's an I've-played-something-like-this-before flair to Batman. Depending on your degree of video-gaming jadedness, this can be interpreted as either nostalgically familiar or run-of-the-mill boring." - Howard H. Wen, VG&CE August 1991
"A great title that almost never made [it] to the Genesis legitimately. Great graphics and incredible music make this one of the best action carts available." - Martin Alessi, EGM June 1991
"The hottest game on ice."
NHL Hockey
Electronic Arts 4 megabitsPerhaps EA's second most-popular game franchise, the NHL Hockey series got its start on the Genesis. Like John Madden Football, NHL usually came out on top when compared by the gaming press to Sega's competing effort (in this case, Mario Lemieux Hockey).
"This is as detailed and fast-moving a hockey game as has ever been packed into a cart." - Josh Mandel, VG&CE October 1991
"EA strikes again! It is beginning to look like sports games are their specialty." - Ed Semrad, EGM September 1991
First-person shooters come to the Genesis...
Virgin 4 megabitsI don't know much about Corporation, although it appears to have been billed as a first-person shooter. One shudders at the possibilities... UPDATE: Despite being advertised and reviewed under the Corporation title in 1991, it appears this game was delayed until 1992, when it was released as Cyber Cop instead. I hope to have more information available when the 1992 section is finished. Regardless, I have decided to keep Corporation listed here as something of a historical curiosity...
"The action runs a little slow from start to finish. Add a little choppiness, and you have a game that dies midway." - Dave, Mega Play January/February 1992
Warrior of Rome II, Heavy Nova and Junction kicking butt and taking names!
Warrior Of Rome II
Micronet 8 megabitsMore military strategy goodness from the people who brought you Junction!
"The quasi 3-D perspective adds to the total picture and the battles are long and challenging. This one is so good it rivals the best computer war game[s]!" - Mike, Mega Play March/April 1992
Captain "Windbreak" Addis?
Caliber 50
Mentrix 4 megabitsCalibur 50 was based on an arcade title of the same name. It appears to have been an omnidirectional action/shooting game, similar to the classic Commando.
"This cart just seems bland to me. The graphics are nothing special and neither is the music. There are a couple of cool power-ups but all in all there isn't much exciting here." - Martin Alessi, EGM January 1992
Mentrix 4 megabitsI don't really know anything about this title, I'm afraid. Wardner seems to have dropped off the gaming radar shortly after its release, never to be heard from again!
"This cart's top notch! We only have one question: What's a "Wardner?"" - Doctor Dave, GamePro May 1991 |
Join the club!
Road Rash
Electronic Arts 4 megabitsRoad Rash is in many ways EA's "forgotten" series, in that it was really popular through the Genesis days and then promptly fizzled after an outing on the 3DO, Saturn and PlayStation systems. I haven't played any of the games in the Rash series, so I can't really comment on why it might have disappeared. A series where you ride a motorcyle and bash other riders with various blunt instruments should have had more staying power...
Road Rash received an honourable mention in the "Best Simulation Video Game" category in Video Games & Computer Entertainment's third annual game awards.
"If you love great race games this meets almost all of your criteria for an instantly addictive motorcycle 16-bit game with a somewhat sick twist thrown in." - Big Rick Stuart, GamePro January 1992
"EA has successfully made one of the best motorcycle games ever." - Mike, Mega Play September/October 1991
Vapor Trail or Flaming Wreck?
Vapor Trail
Renovation 8 megabitsVertically scrolling shooter. Genesis. Power-ups. Blasty-blasty. Mediocrity ensues...
"From start to finish, Vapor Trail is an average shooter ... The game suffers from slow-down, flicker, and weaponry that has been seen many times before." - Sushi-X, EGM November 1991
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