"The hot item in the newspapers is the fact that parents are starting to say no to the Super Nintendo because of its lack of downward compatibility and its hefty price of $200." - Ed Semrad, Mega Play September/October 1991
"He probably won't be too happy about this mess."
Sega 4 megabitsSega's much-delayed Spiderman title finally appeared in stores in 1991. I haven't played it myself, but it was apparently received well enough to warrant a souped-up Sega CD version a few years later...
Where's the ESRB rating??
Death Duel
Razorsoft 8 megabitsGraphic violence was Razorsoft's forte, so the subtle innuendo present in this ad for Death Duel is hardly surprising...
Taito 4 megabitsGrowl appears to have been a side-scrolling action game similar (in appearance, at least) to Streets of Rage.
Before WipeOut there was... Shadow of the Beast!
Shadow Of The Beast
Electronic Arts / Psygnosis 8 "Ultra-Compression" megabitsIn the early nineties, Shadow of the Beast was considered to be one of the Amiga computer system's graphical showpieces. Early Amiga hardware was similar enough to Genesis hardware (both systems used a 68000 processor, for example) that ports from computer to console were usually pretty successful. Sadly, game critics in 1991 felt that Shadow of the Beast fell short in the gameplay department, and thus the Genesis version of the game was largely forgotten in the wake of more forgiving games like Sonic the Hedgehog.
"After all the prepublicity from my Amiga-playing buddies, I was expecting something far greater ... Most players will probably get too tired of starting from scratch after their 20th game (which should be about half an hour after cracking the shrink wrap)." - , " - Josh Mandel, VG&CE December 1991
Fatal Rewind... Whatever that means...
Fatal Rewind
Electronic Arts / Psygnosis 4 megabitsFatal Rewind was based on an Amiga title called The Killing Game Show. That's pretty much all I know about this game, I'm afraid, but look: GamePro liked it!
"Fatal Rewind has the extras it takes to be great... an interesting story line, fine-looking graphics, and fresh music (not in stereo though). The mazes are intense brain-stumpers that require more than just moving and shooting. The final level, 6-2, is particularly complex." - VideoHead, GamePro December 1991
The knight pictured in this ad appears to have "mastered" a dragon...
Master Of Monsters
Renovation 4 megabits1991 seems to have been the "year of the strategy war game" on the Genesis system. This game is unique, however, because you can... er, master monsters!
"Definitely a good introduction for the neophyte war gamer and suitable for the expert, due to its video game-unique play elements." - Howard H. Wen, VG&CE January 1992
"Train your behemoth in combat tactics!"
Beast Wrestler
Renovation 8 megabitsAnother game from Renovation (the Genesis system's staunchest third-party supporter!) involving beasts. This time, though, there's none of that wishy-washy strategy stuff as found in Master of Monsters. No, in this game the beasts wrestle each other. It's completely different!
You wield more of a small-pointy-thing than a sword...
Renovation 8 megabitsThe first Ys game was released in North America for the Sega Master System, and later as part of Ys Book I & II for the TurboGrafx-CD. What we have here is the third game in the series, or rather a port of the TurboGrafx-CD version of the third game in the series, minus the cinema displays and CD audio. Ys III is the first game in the series that uses a side-scrolling perspective. Unfortunately, the graphics exhibit that unsettling "squashed" look often found in 8-bit titles. There isn't a heck of a lot of exploration involved, either, making Ys III seem more like an action/platform game wannabe (with RPG trappings like hit points and experience points thrown in) than a "real" action/RPG. I was rather disappointed by this game, but the reader's mileage (or kilometerage??) may vary.
"I would think Ys could exploit the capabilities of 16-bit game systems much better than is demonstrated here. Instead, we have a game that looks like a blast from the past - about three or four years past." - Josh Mandel, VG&CE January 1992
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